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Can We See Medical or Health Issues From Birth Chart


Health and health-related issues primarily relate to Medical Science. The only difference is medical science and medical treatment generally come into the picture once a person starts developing health issues. People off late have started taking more precautions by going in for periodic medical check-ups and taking insurance coverage, etc. But do you know that you can get a fairly good idea about expected health issues from your birth chart also?

The position of various planets in the sky and in your birth chart can give valuable hints about your health / health issues. Astrology has marked its presence in the of medical field for a very long period of time. Medical Astrology may precisely identify the possible occurrence of diseases and also the remedies for a person.

Health Issues seen using Astrology

Can astrology help in finding health issues? Yes. Health Astrology reads about various body parts, human physiology, and illnesses associated with the 12 astrological zodiac signs and the nine planets. After analyzing your horoscope, an astrologer may make out what type of diseases you are vulnerable to and which planet is responsible for your health conditions.

A good astrologer may predict important details about your health after a health kundli analysis. Let’s understand the association between your astrological sign and likely diseases.

Aries: People with this zodiac sign are likely to have head, brain, and face diseases. There is a possibility of baldness, physical and mental stress, which may lead to headaches, migraines, and strokes.

Taurus: People with this zodiac sign are likely to have diseases related to the neck, ears and throat. There is a possibility of cold and cough, sore throats, and problems in the ears.

Gemini: People with this zodiac sign can have problems with their lungs, shoulders, arms, hands. They will also be prone to fever, cold, and cough. Anxiety, insomnia, and issues related to nerves are also common in this sign.

Cancer: People with this zodiac sign have problems related to chest, breast, and stomach. Mental issues like depression and emotional imbalance is also common. Cancerians have a liking for food and often turn obese.

Leo: People with this zodiac sign face problems related to the heart, back and spine. Blood-related diseases are common for Leos. High blood pressure, blocked arteries, and irregular heartbeat are common for this zodiac sign.

Virgo: People with this zodiac sign have to face health issues related to the abdomen and intestines. Virgos often have to face challenges related to their weight. They are either over or underweight. Stomach problems like ulcers, acidity, and constipation are common for their zodiac sign.

Libra: The natives may have problems in the kidneys, adrenal glands, and skin. They may face indigestion and constipation. The diseases of bladder, rectum, genitals, ovaries, and testes trouble them a lot.

Scorpio: Scorpios are likely to have sexual diseases or diseases in their private parts.

Sagittarius: People with this zodiac sign may have health issues related to their hips, thighs, and vision. Impaired vision may lead to accidents.

Capricorn: People with this zodiac sign may have health issues related to bones, knees, teeth, skin, and joints. Capricorn folks may also suffer from fragile bones.

Aquarius: People with this zodiac sign are likely to have problems with lower legs and anklesThey are prone to weak ankles, and have a higher chance of suffering from varicose veins.

Pisces: Pisceans often suffer from a weak immunity. They are likely to have corns, bunions, and athlete’s foot.

The above description indicates that each zodiac sign is prone to diseases as per their lordship of houses in the horoscope or the kalpurush kundliSo a simple advice to natives of each Zodiac sign is to take extra care of the expected diseases from birth chart and the organs prone more to diseases.

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