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Know the Prediction of Career and UPSC Exams


 Lakhs of candidates appear every year for the UPSC, but people are picked in only thousands finally. UPSC is a yardstick that measures your capabilities, and just like the JEE or NEET, is a tough exam of a higher difficulty level. Clearing prelims puts you in the top ten brackets of brilliant candidates at the national level.  If you clear the exams, you join the celebrated league of officers. The UPSC 2024 and 2025 is no different. Even if you don’t clear, it still strengthens your resume.

What Is Career Astrology?

Career astrology assesses your strengths and weakness, your aptitude for work and also checks for the basic winning attitude for a job. Career astrology takes into account your nature, inclinations, and ability to communicate to make a correct assessment of which job category you essentially belong to.

How Do You Connect Career Astrology With UPSC Exams?

You can avail UPSC result predictions from a knowledgeable astrologer. In Vedic astrology, by studying certain specific houses and planets in certain combinations you can predict the success/failure percentage in UPSC exams.

Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars essentially indicate success in the administrative services and competitive exams.  Rahu in the fifth also enhances your chances of clearing the UPSC. Certain Yogas can help you to choose a suitable career that is in line with your interests. UPSC result predictions can be so much easier to make, if these points are considered.

Helpful Yogas For Competitive Exams:

Gajakesari Yoga

Jupiter in quadrant from the Moon or in conjunction forms this yoga

Ravi Budha Yoga

The Sun and Mercury in conjunction forms the budhaditya yoga.

Raja Yoga

If Lagna and the lord of the 4th or 5th or 7th or 9th or 10th are mutually associated, it forms the Raj Yoga.

Houses That Influence Exam Performance

  • Ascendant, if well expected, or occupied by benefices, grants good attitude and confidence to the individual.

  • Third House showcases your creativity, spoken and written communication.

  • Benefice planets in fourth house assure you luck in academic and career pursuits. 

  • Fifth House symbolises knowledge and sharpness of intelligence.

  • Having a beneficial sixth house helps you to have an edge over the other competitors.

  • Powerful presence of the Sun in the eighth house ensures government, semi government, Competitions or interviews.

  • If the ninth, tenth, and eleventh house and its Lord are mutually associated you can expect to get into the IAS bracket.

  • Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, or Venus are exalted or strong it augurs well for IAS.

  • If Saturn and Mars are associated with the 10 house/lord, it clears the way for IPS or army.

  • Moon should be in exaltation in a Kendra position or in close association with the tenth house/ tenth lord.

  • The ascendant lord, fifth lord, and 10th lord should all be present in one house and one of the planets should be in debilitation.

If you want in depth UPSC result predictions, you can approach a career astrology expert.

Can You Know When Is The Right Time To Write The UPSC Exams?

When will I get a government job” is the question that keeps most exam aspirants on tenterhooks. Writing UPSC exam during Dasha periods, of Sun, Mars, Jupiter or Venus will help you clear it with ease. While the dashas of Jupiter and Venus are lucky for writing the IFS exams, Sun and Mars dashas, can prove lucky for the IAS and IPS.

Ninth house should be strong in order to achieve success in IFS. Ninth and eleventh houses, if associated with each other, can make an  IFS officer hugely successful.  Refer to this information if you wonder when will I get government job .

How Are Astrological Career Consultations Beneficial?

Astrological Career Consultations counsel UPSC aspirants to give them the clear picture of their pluses and minuses and occupations suitable to their aptitudes. It is the 2nd house, the 6th house   and the 10th house that decide our career and exam results.  Right choice of academic degree can lead to right career choices through Astrological career consultations. Let us see how academic decisions can be guided by education astrology.

Education Astrology

Dr. Vinay Bajrangi offers education counselling from the astrological angle. Through Vedic astrology one can discover your potential, the destined area of study, and the quality of education that you will get. Good qualification leads to good career. Education Astrology helps here.

To Conclude….

The UPSC exam is considered to be the second toughest exam in the world. Intense competition and very few available posts make it all the more challenging.  One has to have the knowledge of the entire world at his fingertips.  The journey involves extensive preparation which may itself take 5 years.  You need both luck and hard work to succeed as a civil servant   Mumbai Astro comes of help in enhancing our luck and chances here.

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